Brit Temple Objective and Values

To connect You and Your Higher Ego that brings You to the State of Ultimate Freedom and Knowledge

Unification of Freemen in one global network for purpose of reaching World Order of Freedom

Тen Commandments of Freeman reflect our basic values and standards


There are different forces in our world which are using technics of concentration and redistribution of human spiritual energy to one spiritual entity (sometimes called as "Deity"). For example, your Higher Ego can be used just as a battery of a huge spiritual processing system. Spiritual Energy of Your Higher Ego doesn’t go directly to You, but concentrated, shared, and consumed in that system by externals. It leads to the situation when you don’t have own supreme personal energy and become dependent on that energy processing system. In result, you lack energy to realize your full potential and achieve your happiness.

So, you have a choice, either being a battery for external entities or liberate yourself and become a Freeman. You may ask what to do and how to save and free yourself?

Methods of Liberation

Over 4000 years ago there was a man in Ancient Babylon named Abraham, who was the first to discover the method of connection with Spiritual World where Supreme Ego of every intelligent being resides, this method had been later called “Brit” (Union in Hebrew). Our community uses this method to connect You with Your Supreme Ego and redirection Your Supreme Ego’s spiritual energy flow directly to You. This procedure is painless and modern.

By joining Brit, we admit and agree to the following

Adhere to Ten Commandments of Freemen

Aspire and do everything possible to get together in Free City and find peace in the Temple of Freedom in our days

Preserve and celebrate Thursday as a Free Day in honor of Roman God Jupiter, His Victory over despotic Saturn, and elimination of tyranny of one over many

Ten Commandments of Freeman


Let Freedom be Foundation, Goal, and Mean of your eternal existence


Learn from everything


Be independent


Create values


Choose your Destiny


Use opportunities


Don’t be scared


Accept everything equally


Cooperate to fight tyranny


And Remember that till the final day you’re alone

Joining Brit

After joining Brit, You will be given a second Birth and two additional names – Biblical and Old Roman. You’ll also be able to participate in our online and offline meetings after implementation security check.
